Rhode Island National Guard Holds Annual Wingman Day Published Aug. 6, 2014 By Master Sgt Janeen Miller 143d AW/PA 6 August 2014 -- WARWICK, RI - On Sunday, 3 August 2014, the men and women of the Rhode Island Air National Guard's 143d Airlift Wing, 102d Network Warfare Squadron and the Joint Force Headquarters gathered at the Knight Campus of the Community College of Rhode Island for their annual Wingman Day. It is a requirement that each Air National Guard unit hold a Wingman Day annually. This Wingman Day's focus was on the core values - Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do - and to emphasize a culture of dignity and respect among all Airmen. The intended result was to strengthen the trust between Airmen and enhance our commitment to one another. We must make sure that our Team members around us always adhere to the core values and also maintain strong mental, physical, social and spiritual fitness. They must have the resources available and the ability to withstand, recover, and grow in the face of challenges that we all encounter in life - we call it resilience. The members of the Community Action Information Board (CAIB), Integrated Delivery System (IDS), and the Inspector General (IG) Team were introduced to ensure everyone on Team Rhody knows what resources are available, and where they can find them. In addition to the 143d Airlift Wing Commander, Col Arthur Floru, briefings were given by the Chaplain, Suicide Prevention Program Manager, and the Wing Director of Psychological Health. Team members were also treated to a short film highlighting their accomplishments so far in 2014. The day also included the annual Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program training for the 143d AW, 102d NWS, and JFHQ. Following the briefings at CCRI, the Airmen were released to their units to participate in Team building activities. Some units went bowling, some went bike riding, and some ran unit built obstacle courses. Other units took the time to sit with each other and re-introduce themselves to their teammates. More information about Wingman Day is available through the Wingman Toolkit the Air Force Portal. Although the Wingman Toolkit is produced by Air Force Reserve Command, this tool is useful for ALL Airmen and their families regardless of command. Take the time to check out the website afrc.wingmantoolkit.org or you can also get the Wingman Toolkit on the go with the Mobile app for iPhone and Android mobile devices.